Wooden combs come in many beautiful designs. Clean them regularly and they’ll last for a lifetime. Never use water to clean wooden combs. Instead use natural oils to clean them. A well crafted wooden comb has an attractive appearance. Hence, they are a must accessory to keep with you.

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Beard Comb

1740 Beard Combs Well if you don’t know then here are some benefits of wooden combs for your hair and scalp: Plastic and metal brushes are rough on the scalp. Wooden...
From $ 8.00 Sold Out

Customized Comb

Personalized beard combs are a great gift for those bearded loved ones. We woodburn by hand any name or your fun ideas to our duel sided combs. I will shoot...
From $ 13.99

Gift Card For Your Beard

The perfect gift for any hard to shop for bearded man in your life.
From $ 10.00
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